Writing - Term 3

WALT: write about our new learning environment ideas
I will know that I am successful when I have
  • included many important words about the topic
  • Used full sentences with full stops and capital letters
  • Written detail about each idea using describing words

Term 3 Maths

WALT: group using place value to solve addition problems up to 1000.

Gymnastics Term 3

WALT: create and perform a sequence of unlike actions with a buddy

Reading - Term 3

WALT: find evidence from the text to answer comprehension questions. 

WALT: use inference to answer comprehension questions about a narrative text.

Silver Level and Beyond

When students at this level read, respond to, and think critically about texts, they:

 I know what I like to read

 I know what I am able to read

 I know how to find what I like to read

•  I can select from a range of strategies to help me when I lose meaning in a text;

- I can cross-check

- I can re-read

- I can use what I know about words and sentence structure

- I can look for clues to confirm my predictions and inferences

 I can use a range of comprehension strategies;

–  I can identify and summarise the main ideas using my knowledge of how a text is structured

–  I can make and explain my inferences using information in the text

–  I can make connections between the text and my prior knowledge to help me understand figurative language

•  I can read for sustained periods of time

•  I can read longer texts and remember what has happened over a number of days

•  I can talk about what I have read with others

•  I can discuss how well the text met its purpose

They draw on knowledge and skills that include:

• I can read all high frequency words

•  I can automatically select an appropriate decoding strategy when I find unknown words

•  I can work out the meanings of new words using a range of strategies;

– using my understanding of the meanings of most common prefixes; (over-, mis-, sub-, pre-, inter-, semi-, mid)

–  using my understanding of the most common suffixes (-ist, -ity,- ty, -ion, -able/-ible, -ness, -ment)

–  I can use reference sources to find the meanings of new words (dictionary, thesaurus)

–  I can guess word meanings from known roots and affixes

•  I can work out the meanings of unfamiliar phrases and expressions e.g., figures of speech) by using my oral language and the context;

•  I can recognise the features and purposes of some common text types

•  I can use my knowledge of common text types to understand texts

•  I can use visual language features to help me understand the ideas and information in texts

Term 3 - Integrated Topic

Big Idea - What changes could we make to our learning environment ?

WALT: use our green hat creative thinking to create a new learning environment 
WALT: use Explain Everything to share our ideas 

Success Criteria:
  • use clear voices 
  • use clear photos 
  • cooperate with a buddy